

I. Introduction
The immigration bureau is an important institution responsible for managing the entry, stay and exit of foreign nationals within a country’s borders.

II. Functions of the Immigration Bureau
A. Issuance of Documents
The immigration bureau is responsible for the issuance of visas, work permits, residency permits, and other relevant documents that enable foreign nationals to stay legally in a given country.

B. Border Control
The immigration bureau establishes and enforces regulations that are designed to ensure the smooth flow of people and goods at the country’s borders. Items restricted from importation by foreign visitors are also managed by the bureau.

C. Protection of National Security
The immigration bureau plays an essential role in the protection of a country’s national security by screening and vetting applicants for legal status, including refugee and asylum seekers.

D. Monitoring and Supervision
The immigration bureau monitors the movement of foreign nationals within a given country’s borders, including periodic reporting and update requirements for visa holders.

III. Services Offered by the Immigration Bureau
A. Visa Application
The immigration bureau provides application forms for various visa types, including student visa, tourist visa, business visa, and work visa.

B. Inquiries and Complaints
The bureau has a hotline, online services to answer inquiries and complaints concerning immigration regulations.

C. Legal Assistance
The immigration bureau provides legal assistance to foreign nationals seeking to extend their stay or status in a given country.

IV. Conclusion
The immigration bureau plays a crucial role in the management of foreign nationals’ stay within a country. By providing essential services such as visa issuance, border control, protecting national security, and monitoring and supervision, the bureau ensures transparency and accountability in the country’s immigration policies.

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